Hsing-Jung Chen
Name Hsing-Jung Chen
Email chenhj@ntnu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. (02)7749-5527
Job title Professor
Discipline Strengths and Resilience Advanced Direct Practice Substance Use and Interventions Child and Adolescent Studies Mental Health and Social Work
Research expertise Social Work Practice with Families, Promoting Positive Development in Childhood, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood, Mental Health (specialize in depression and substance use), Prevention and Intervention Research
Year Paper Title
2022 陳杏容(2022)。兒少經歷家庭經濟困境者於成年初顯期的復原力經驗探究。東吳社會工作學報,42,93-122。
2022 陳杏容(2022)。從受助成為助人者: 受助家庭子女就讀社工系或就職社工之經驗。社會政策與社會工作學刊,26(1),1-44。(TSSCI)
2021 陳杏容(2021)。探索成年初顯期特徵、家庭經濟與心理健康之關聯。中華心理衛生學刊,34(3),193-227。(TSSCI)
2020 Lee, M.-J., Wu, W.-C., Chang, H.-C., Chen, H.-J., Lin, W.-S., Feng, J. Y., & Lee, T. S.-H. (2020). Effectiveness of a school-based life skills program on emotional regulation and depression among elementary school students: A randomized study. Children and Youth Services Review, 118.
2019 陳杏容、陳易甫(2019)。早期家庭經濟劣勢與成年初顯期發展成果之潛在剖析分析與其影響因子。中華心理衛生學刊,32,1。(TSSCI)
2019 Chen, H.-J.(2018). A cumulative family risk index model: Delinquency and academic performance among Han Chinese and Native Taiwanese students. International Social Work (SSCI)(MOST 1022410H003147)DOI:10.1177/0020872818777787。
2017 陳杏容(2017)。探討不同風險程度的國中生之憂鬱情緒的保護與資源因子。中華輔導與諮商學報,50,29-62。DOI: 10.3966/172851862017120050002(TSSCI)(MOST 1032410H003154)。
2016 林雅容、林東龍、陳杏容、歐紫彤與潘淑滿(2016)。親密關係暴力:臺灣女性之受暴與求助經驗。臺灣社會工作學刊,17,1-42。
2016 Chen, H.-J. (2016). Challenges among female caregivers in Chinese societies and the principles of social work practice: Examples from the medical system in Taiwan. Soochow Journal of Social Work, 30, 61-87.。
2016 陳杏容(2016)。生物、基因和社會工作:研究方法、實務運用與未來發展(3/3),臺大社會工作學刊,33,171-202。(TSSCI)。
2016 陳杏容(2016)。家庭危險因子對少年之學業表現、偏差行為與憂鬱情緒發展的影響:累積危險指數模型的探討(1/3),臺大社會工作學刊,34,39-82。(TSSCI)(MOST 1022410H003147)。
2014 陳杏容(2014)。青年物質濫用趨勢與治療與處遇觀點。社區發展季刊,146,162-170。
2013 Chen, H.- J., & Kovacs, P. (2013). Working with families in which a parent has depression: A resilience perspective. Families in Society, 94(2), 29–35. (SSCI) DOI: 10.1606/1044-3894.4257。
2013 Chen, H.-J. (2013). Robust protective factors for Africa American youths who have a parent with depression. Social Work Research,37(2), 121-134.(SSCI) DOI: 10.1093/swr/svs026。
2012 Chen, H.- J., Balan, S., & Price, R. K. (2012). Association of contextual factors with drug use and binge drinking among White, Native American, and Mixed Race adolescents in the general population. Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2/3) , 41 (11), 1426-1441 . (SSCI) DOI 10.1007/s10964-012-9789-0。
2004 陳杏容 (2004)。失眠個案的改變-策略取向治療應用與討論。諮商與輔導, 225,28-32。
Year Paper Title
2024 Chen, H.-J., Wu, W. C. (2024/1/10-2024/1/14). Effects of children's emotional regulation on internet addiction during the pandemic: The role of depression. Paper to be presented at the 28th annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC, USA.
2023 陳杏容(2023/11/18-2023/11/19)。數位世代青少年霸凌經驗之保護力:自尊、支持與歸屬感的調節效果。口頭發表於台灣社會學年會,台北,臺灣。 (NSTC 112-2740-H-001-002-SSS)
2023 陳杏容 (2023/11/18-2023/11/19)。國中生的線上學習、網路壓力調適策略以及心理福祉:初探疫情中的性別、資源不平等議題。口頭發表於台灣社會學年會,台北,臺灣。 (NSTC 112-2740-H-001-002-SSS)
2023 Chen, H.-J., Wu, W. C., & Lee, T. S.-H. (2023/6/25-2023/7/1). The link between emotional regulation strategies and internet addiction: The mediating role of epidemic fear. Paper to be presented at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia.
2023 Chen, H.-J. (2023/6/25-2023/7/1). Well-being among youth with ACEs in Taiwan’s educational systems. Poster to be presented at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia (MOST 110-2410-H-003-081-MY2).
2022 張瑋庭、陳杏容、陳蓁蓁(2022/12/3-2022/12/4)。第23屆早期療育論文大會及工作坊(The 23rd Conference and Workshops of Child Development and Early Intervention),海報發表,台中,臺灣。
2021 Chen, H. J. & Yang, Y. L. (2021/9/23-2021/9/24). Risks and protective factors of binge drinking among Taiwan college students: Analyses of predictors across individual and family systems). Poster presented at the conference of family support services for adult drug addicts: Reach with love, gazing into futurity, Taipei, Taiwan (衛生福利部、東吳大學 2021年「成人藥癮者家庭支持服務~用愛融合、追尋未來~」
2021 Chen, H.-J. (2021/11/4-2021/11/6). Mental health in the era of AI:Exploring group learning and stress-coping experiences of students with science and engineering majors. E-poster presented at the 10 th Conference on Emerging adulthood (virtual format). Well-being during emerging adulthood: Challenges and Opportunities.
2021 Chen, H.-J. (2021/11/4-2021/11/6). The resilience experiences of emerging adults who have experienced family adversities in childhood. E-poster presented at the 10 th Conference on Emerging adulthood (virtual format). Well-being during emerging adulthood: Challenges and Opportunities.
2020 Chen, H. J. (2020/8/25-2020/8/28). Exploration of the similarity and differences between poor and non-poor college students in the dimensions of emerging adulthood, adult status, and psychological well-being. Poster presented at the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies, Rotterdam, Netherlands. (因Covid-19 取消實體研討會)
2020 Chen, H. J. & Chen*, Y. F. (2020/1/15-2020/1/19). Long-Term family poverty and the heterogeneity of depression and substance use problems in early adulthood. Poster presented at the 2020 annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC, US.
2020 陳杏容、蔡政翰(2020)。青年觀點探究 AI 跨域人才的培育現況與未來發展。未來教育的哲學省思研討會暨臺灣教育哲學學會第四屆年會,台北,臺灣。(因Covid-19 取消實體研討會)
2019 陳杏容(2019)。危險與保護因子的「量」與「類」有差嗎?探究多元機制對高或低風險家庭之兒少與青年正向發展的影響。口頭發表於傳承與創新:輔大社會/社工的學術紮根與本土實踐50周年研討會,新莊,臺灣。
2018 陳杏容(2018/05/17-2018/05/19)。Identity styles of emerging adults in Taiwan: The roles of individual development tasks, family financial circumstances, and cultural affiliation. Paper presented in the SSEA Identity Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.。
2018 陳杏容(2018/07/03-2018/08/05)。Self-identity and emotional autonomy as key predictors of Taiwanese university students' psychological well-being. Paper presented in the The Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association, Sydney, Australia.。
2018 陳杏容(2018)。貧困家庭的成長經驗: 成人看法、求學、交友、親密關係與職涯發展。文章發表於臺灣社會學年會,新竹,臺灣。
2017 陳杏容(2017/03/16-2017/03/16)。Identifying risks and promoting protective mechanisms for families and youth。Gro Brundtland Week of Women in Sustainable Development,國立臺灣師範大學。
2017 陳杏容與蔡絜茹(2017)。家庭經濟、成人地位對成年初顯期特徵與心理健康之影響。當代臺灣青少年與成年初期研究研討會,中央研究院人社中心亞太區域研究專題中心。
2016 陳杏容(2016/01/13-2016/01/17)。Protective and Resource Factors for Families with Alcohol Problems。2016 SSWR Annual Conference,Washington,DC。
2016 Chen, H. J. & Chen, Y. F. (2016). Childhood Poverty, Cumulative Risk Exposure, and Adjustment in Emerging Adults: A Prospective Latent Profile with Contextual Factors. Paper presented in the Third ISA Forum of Sociology ,Vienna, Austria 。
2015 陳杏容(2015/11/27-2015/11/28)。快樂校園,無憂少年 : 影響國中生憂鬱情緒之保護與資源因子探究。社會教育60周年國際學術研討會,國立台灣師範大學。
2014 Chen, H. J. (2014, July) Cumulative Risk/CR and Developmental Outcomes Among Youths in High-Risk Families: Results from a Nationally Representative Taiwan Sample. Poster session presented at the XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology ,Yokohama, Japan(July 13-19, 2014).。
2013 Chen, H. J. & Chen, Y. F. (2013, January). Individual and social environmental predictors of illicit drug use among Asian American and Native Hawaiian youths. Paper presented at the 17th annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, San Diego, CA.。
2012 陳杏容。Linking social bonding, individual perceptions, and delinquent peers to substance abuse problems among Caucasian and Native American adolescents.。2012 Guze Symposium,St Louis, MO, U.S.。
2012 Balan, S., Widner, G., Chen, H.J. & Price, R. K. (2012, February). Race-ethnic contexts in alcohol use and abuse in African American and Caucasian women in the NESARC study. Poster session presented at the 2012 Guze Symposium, St. Louis, MO.。
2012 Chen, H. J., Balan, S., Zeringue, A., & Price, R. K. (2012, June). Predictors of drug use and binge drinking of mixed-race, Native American, and Caucasian general-population youths: Testing the effect of contextual factors. Poster session presented at the 2012 College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) Scientific Meeting, Palm Springs, CA.。
2012 Balan, S., Widner, G., Chen, H. J. & Price, R. K. (2012, June). Differential Associations of biological vs. non-biological network member psychopathology on drug use disorders in Vietnam veterans and non-veterans: A 25-year longitudinal study. Paper presented at the CPDD Scientific Meeting, Palm Springs, CA.。
2011 Chen, H. J. (2011, May). Taiwanese social workers’ experiences of working with families of a member with a mental illness: A constructivist approach. Paper presented at the Seventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry 2011, Champaign, IL.。
2011 Balan, S., Widner, G., Chen, H. J., & Price, R. K. (2011, October). Associations of Ethnic identity and Social support with Marijuana use and abuse in U.S. Women: Findings from a National Survey. Poster session presented at the 2nd Annual Postdoctoral Fellows Poster Session & Networking Event of the Psychiatry Department, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.。
2011 Chen, H. J., Balan, S., Widner, G., & Price, R. K. (2011, October). Individual and social contextual factors (ISF) and problem substance use: Mixed-race, Native American, and Caucasian youth results from the 2006-2009 NSDUH Surveys. Poster session presented at the 2nd Annual Postdoctoral Fellows Poster Session & Networking Event of the Psychiatry Department, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.。
2010 Chen, H.J. (2010, March). The effect of protective factors on behavioral and academic adjustment in African American youths who have a parent with depression. Poster session presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Philadelphia, PA.。
2010 Chen, H. J. (2010, May). Robust protective factors that help youths with a parent experiencing depression achieve positive adjustment. Paper presented at the 22 nd National Symposium on Doctoral Research in Social Work, Columbus, OH.。
2010 Chen, H. J. (2010, August). Ecological protective factors for rural America American youths. Paper presented at the 105 th annual meeting of American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA.。
2009 Chen, H. J. (2009, June). Characteristics of recreation services for Virginians with disabilities: An analysis of survey findings. Paper presented at the meeting of the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities, Richmond, VA.。
2009 Chen, H. J., & Redmond, L. (2009, September). Recreation services survey: An analysis of Virginia’s recreation programs. Paper presented at the 55th annual conference of the Virginia Recreation and Park Society, Roanoke, VA.。
2008 Chen, H. J. (2008, March). Adolescents’ inadequate coping response toward environmental stressors: A study in North Taiwan. Poster session presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago, IL.。
2008 Chen, H. J. (2008, April). Women’s conflicts related to caring for an aging and ill family member: A case study in Taiwan. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Atlanta, GA.。
2008 Chen, H. J. (2008, April). Middle school students’ coping with school and family stressors: A study in North Taiwan. Poster session presented at the 11th Annual Research Symposium & Exhibit at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.。
2008 Chen, H. J., Lee, S. M., & Ryosho, N. (2008, November). Social work credentialing systems in Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan. Paper presented at the 54th annual meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Philadelphia, PA.。
Year Project Title Participator Job Title Period Unit
2024 2024.01 ~ 2024.12
2023 2023 臺灣數位世代青少年的成長歷程追蹤研究-臺灣數位世代青少年的成長歷程追蹤研究(1/5) (Taiwan i-Generation Panel Study) (NSTC 112-2740-H-001-002-SSS) 陳杏容 共同主持人 2023.01 ~ 2023.12 國科會
2022 2022 童年逆境與成年初顯期的發展:解析風險與保護機制以建構創傷知情照顧的架構 (Adverse childhood experiences and emerging adult development: Understanding the risks and protective mechanisms to build a trauma-informed framework) (MOST 110-2410-H-003-081-MY2) 陳杏容 計畫主持人 2022.08 ~ 2023.08 科技部
2022 2022 TASAL、臺灣數位世代追蹤研究及國內重要教育調查合作發展之規劃 陳杏容 協同主持人 2022.03 ~ 2022.12 國家教育研究院
2021 2021童年逆境與成年初顯期的發展:解析風險與保護機制以建構創傷知情照顧的架構 (Adverse childhood experiences and emerging adult development: Understanding the risks and protective mechanisms to build a trauma-informed framework) (MOST 110-2410-H-003-081-MY2) 陳杏容 計畫主持人 2021.08 ~ 2022.07 科技部
2022 2021-2022新北市正向人際及生活訓練(PILOT)中心學校教學介入成效評估研究。 陳杏容 協同主持人 2021.01 ~ 2022.12 中國信託慈善基金會、新北市政府教育局
2019 AI浪潮下青年的心理健康: 探究核心科系與高低取代科系青年之壓力、因應與學習經驗(Mental health of young people under the AI wave: Exploring the pressure, stress-coping and learning experiences of youths) 。(MOST 108-2410-H-003 -127 -SS2) 陳杏容 主持人 2019.08 ~ 2021.12 科技部(原國科會)
2016 成人初顯期的特徵與發展結果:探討家庭社經地位與文化的影響力(The characteristics of emerging adulthood and developmental outcomes: The effect of family socioeconomic status and cultural orientation) 。(MOST 105-2410-H-003 -024 -SS2)。 陳杏容 主持人 2016.08 ~ 2018.07 科技部(原國科會)
2016 105年度臺灣婦女遭受親密關係暴力統計資料調查。(M05C2283)。 陳杏容 協同/共同主持人 2016.05 ~ 2017.05 其他政府部門
2015 103年度臺灣婦女遭受親密關係暴力統計資料調查。(M03C3422)。 陳杏容 協同/共同主持人 2015.01 ~ 2015.12 其他政府部門
2014 尋找保護與資源因子:個人特質、家庭功能、家外支持對高與低風險家庭子女的影響(The search for protective and resource factors: The impact of individual characteristics, family functioning, and extrafamilial support on children in high and low risk families)。(MOST 103-2410-H-003-154)。 陳杏容 主持人 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 科技部(原國科會)
2014 多不見得好:累積危險因子對高風險家庭之青少年發展適應結果的影響(When more is not better: The effect of cumulative risk factors on high-risk family youths' developmental adjustments)。(MOST 102-2410-H-003 -147)。 陳杏容 主持人 2014.03 ~ 2014.09 科技部(原國科會)
2003 中年憂鬱症婦女支持性團體之治療因子分析(Therapeutic factors analysis of a supportive group for middle-aged women with major depression)。(TSH-C92-84)。 陳杏容 協同/共同主持人 2003.01 ~ 2004.12 其他
Organization Title Department Job Title
三軍總醫院 精神醫學部 社工師
美國維吉尼亞身心障礙委員會(Virginia Board for People with Disabilities) 兼職研究員
美國維吉尼亞聯邦大學 (Virginia Commonwealth University) 社會工作學系 兼任教師
美國華盛頓大學聖路易斯分校 (Washington University in St. Louis) 精神科 博士後研究員
輔仁大學 社會工作學系 助理教授
國立臺灣師範大學 社會工作學研究所
國立臺灣師範大學 社會工作學研究所 副教授
Country School Name Department Degree
United States Virginia Commonwealth University Graduate Institute of Social Work PhD